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ADM1027 (sensor)
Added by ALMICO on 01 nov 2002
The ADM1027 dBCOOL controller is a complete systems monitor and multiple PWM fan controller for noise-sensitive applications requiring active system cooling. It can monitor 12 V, 5 V, 2.5 V CPU supply voltage, plus its own supply voltage. It can monitor the temperature of up to two remote sensor diodes, plus its own internal temperature. It can measure and control the speed of up to four fans so that they operate at the lowest possible speed for minimum acoustic noise. The automatic fan speed control loop optimizes fan speed for a given temperature. Once the control loop parameters are programmed, the ADM1027 can vary fan speed without CPU intervention.

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Power 10 3
Reliability 10 3
Ease of use 9 3
Features 9 3

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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Features 29 apr 2015 10 THC_XTC
Ease of use 29 apr 2015 10 THC_XTC
Reliability 29 apr 2015 10 THC_XTC
Power 29 apr 2015 10 THC_XTC
Features 29 oct 2008 6 JUANCAESAR
Ease of use 29 oct 2008 7 JUANCAESAR
Reliability 29 oct 2008 10 JUANCAESAR
Power 29 oct 2008 9 JUANCAESAR
Reliability 02 may 2008 10 CYCODAVE 4+yrs running
Features 02 may 2008 10 CYCODAVE
Ease of use 02 may 2008 10 CYCODAVE
Power 02 may 2008 10 CYCODAVE


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