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ST3200822AS (hard disk)
Added by ALMICO on 29 jul 2004

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Speed 9 9
Reliability 8 8
Silentness 8 8

Note: higher votes are better.
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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Silentness 08 nov 2011 7 CHRISTI345
Reliability 08 nov 2011 9 CHRISTI345
Speed 08 nov 2011 9 CHRISTI345
Silentness 02 mar 2011 10 RXDDUDE Inaudible with tower case open on nearer side, and placed within 3 ft.
Reliability 02 mar 2011 10 RXDDUDE SMART short test by Beta14 just came up "No errors." Pretty good - was placed into service in HP Pavilion in June 2005.
Speed 02 mar 2011 9 RXDDUDE Good enough. My thanks to SMACEDO for comment on 60C temp limit.
Silentness 04 may 2008 3 SCOOP_987 loudest component in my system believe it or not...
Reliability 04 may 2008 4 SCOOP_987 not so good... goes offline with light knock...
Speed 04 may 2008 7 SCOOP_987 pretty good... 20 MB/s consistant
Silentness 24 oct 2006 10 RICKST can't hear mine, fans over shadow my drives
Reliability 24 oct 2006 10 RICKST best in my experience, absolutely the best warranty
Speed 24 oct 2006 10 RICKST excellent access rate. have to move to 10k raptors to get better
Silentness 04 mar 2006 9 ASM679
Reliability 04 mar 2006 10 ASM679
Speed 04 mar 2006 9 ASM679


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