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ST340014A (hard disk)
Added by ALMICO on 19 aug 2004

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Speed 8 7
Reliability 9 7
Silentness 10 7

Note: higher votes are better.
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Show an expanded listing of votes and comments for this object.

These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Silentness 30 jan 2008 10 BLADERXL9000 Been useing 3 of these for almost 2 years and still super quiet
Reliability 30 jan 2008 10 BLADERXL9000 in two years, never had a loss of data
Speed 30 jan 2008 9 BLADERXL9000 for the most part very fast when copying many files
Silentness 31 jan 2006 9 FEYERHW
Reliability 31 jan 2006 5 FEYERHW
Speed 31 jan 2006 8 FEYERHW
Silentness 14 jan 2006 10 MCLUCAS
Reliability 14 jan 2006 10 MCLUCAS
Speed 14 jan 2006 8 MCLUCAS
Silentness 12 jan 2006 10 BDAHL385 very silent compared to others I've had
Reliability 12 jan 2006 7 BDAHL385 Brand new and reads only 83%fitness due to low value for "seek error rate"
Speed 12 jan 2006 9 BDAHL385 only had 2 days but boot speed looked good, no benchmarks made though
Silentness 10 jul 2005 10 JOHNWW
Reliability 10 jul 2005 10 JOHNWW
Speed 10 jul 2005 9 JOHNWW


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