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VIA VT1211 (sensor)

Added by ALMICO on 19 aug 2003

Currently under development. The datasheet is incomplete. I'm waiting for an update from VIA.

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Power 02 jun 2014 1 VASILIY74
14 apr 2014 5 IVAN1911
26 may 2007 1 KAGEROU
Speed fan is showing a number of readings. All readings from the VIA VT1211 are at 102C, and I'm also getting other readings
12 jul 2006 4 ATZE80
Temp & Fan readings are fine on my Epia M, but fans cannot be silenced due to missing external circuitry.
15 dec 2005 1 JJAKOB
temp 3 is 102°C, 4-5 0°C, no control of fans (probably because the fan is 2-wire and controlled by the MAX6648)
13 oct 2005 1 SDROUET
SAme here 102° but i can see the temp of my HD and my µP but i can't change the RPM's on my fans i'm digusted please make it
03 oct 2005 1 VERDET
03 oct 2005 1 BEARDD
Can get temps & RPM''s on my M1000 but I (too) can''t change the RPM''s on my fans
05 jul 2005 1 ENEZ
same here... 102° everywhere... and no fan speed
04 apr 2005 1 FABE
I get 102°C on all sensors.
10 dec 2004 1 EUGENEK5
Gives me a reding of 102*C ???? on a laptop???
Reliability 02 jun 2014 1 VASILIY74
14 apr 2014 1 IVAN1911
14 apr 2014 4 IVAN1911
14 apr 2014 4 IVAN1911
14 apr 2014 5 IVAN1911
26 may 2007 8 KAGEROU
ACPI is showing temp, my AMD K8 is showing temp, as well as the HDD. I recently
12 jul 2006 9 ATZE80
13 oct 2005 1 SDROUET
works as soon as possible
03 oct 2005 1 VERDET
10 dec 2004 1 EUGENEK5
Gives me a reding of 102*C ???? on a laptop???
Ease of use 02 jun 2014 1 VASILIY74
14 apr 2014 5 IVAN1911
26 may 2007 7 KAGEROU
updated the firmware of my processor, and now I'm even getting LM84, showing 0C.
12 jul 2006 8 ATZE80
13 oct 2005 10 SDROUET
03 oct 2005 1 VERDET
10 dec 2004 1 EUGENEK5
Gives me a reding of 102*C ???? on a laptop???
Features 02 jun 2014 1 VASILIY74
14 apr 2014 5 IVAN1911
26 may 2007 5 KAGEROU
Fans are showing 0RPM. Hope you guys hear from VIA soon. Maybe next time I won't get a VIA motherboard.
12 jul 2006 4 ATZE80
13 oct 2005 10 SDROUET
03 oct 2005 1 VERDET
27 mar 2005 2 INCOMINGNERD
Case/motherboard temp shows up, Temps 3-7 are junk. Higrade Notino R5400 Laptop - rebranded Twinhead(?) P14N laptop.
10 dec 2004 1 EUGENEK5
Gives me a reding of 102*C ???? on a laptop???
25 nov 2004 1 SONGOKU
I can get temp. and RPM's on my M1000 Nehemiah but I can't change the RPM's on my fans :(

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