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Myson MTP008 (sensor)
Added by ALMICO on 12 aug 2001
The MTP008 is a mix-signal IC designed to monitor many important parameters for the proper operation of a computer system, including power supply voltages, fan speeds and temperature. An 8-bit ADC was built in MTP008. The MTP008 can monitor up to 7 analog voltage inputs, 3 fan tachometer inputs and 3 remote temperature. The remote temperature sensing can performed by thermistors, or 2N3904 NPN-type transistors, or directly from Intel Deschute CPU thermal diode output. Also the MTP008 provides 3 PWM outputs for the fan speed control; beep tone warning output; SMI#, NMI, OVT#, GPO# signals for system protection events. Moreover, 5 VID inputs are provided to read the VID of CPU if applicable. This is to provide the Vcore voltage correction automatically.

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Power 1 2
Reliability 3 3
Ease of use 3 3
Features 2 2

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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Features 13 oct 2011 1 WOODMASS15
Ease of use 13 oct 2011 2 WOODMASS15
Reliability 13 oct 2011 1 WOODMASS15
Power 13 oct 2011 1 WOODMASS15
Features 10 jun 2009 2 MA_SOUD_90
Ease of use 10 jun 2009 2 MA_SOUD_90
Reliability 10 jun 2009 5 MA_SOUD_90
Power 10 jun 2009 1 MA_SOUD_90
Ease of use 13 mar 2006 6 IMAPERSON.V2 when it works, it works flawlessly
Reliability 13 mar 2006 2 IMAPERSON.V2 often dissapears from speedfan and pc health monitoring in bios


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